extremely careful

美 [ɪkˈstriːmli ˈkerfl]英 [ɪkˈstriːmli ˈkeəfl]
  • 极其仔细(或慎重、节约)的
extremely carefulextremely careful
  1. He was always extremely careful with his money .


  2. If you were to make changes to it , you 'd need to be extremely careful .


  3. Be extremely careful of the accuracy of your statements .


  4. But the two men had been extremely careful about covering their tracks .


  5. He had to be extremely careful about the way he handled this .


  6. We are extremely careful about what gets checked in .


  7. I would be extremely careful of the vase if I were you .


  8. If you decide to ford a stream , be extremely careful .


  9. You must be extremely careful not to let relatives or friends interfere in your personal life .


  10. Warning : if you are planning to watch the total solar eclipse in person , be extremely careful .


  11. Be extremely careful if your trusted program will share a directory with potentially untrusted users .


  12. Mr Cameron , 47 , is normally extremely careful about guarding his children 's privacy .


  13. For this reason , psychiatrists must be extremely careful when exploring a hypnotic subject 's past .


  14. They see you as very cautious , extremely careful , a slow and steady plodder .


  15. We are extremely careful when treating these material so that they resist the elements , are easy to maintain and very simple to use .


  16. So , we have to be extremely careful and cautious with anything that we do to this collector .


  17. Those who make a living in animal agriculture need to be extremely careful to not pass this disease on to the animals in their care .


  18. Be extremely careful not to injure any delicate stems that are still viable , especially at the base of the plant .


  19. Like vmo , you need to be extremely careful when changing ioo parameters , as changing parameters on the fly can cause severe performance degradation .


  20. I am extremely careful to arrange my environment to suit me perfectly ; I know that without that I quickly lose my sense of balance and safety .


  21. Be extremely careful about the script that you write into a page , especially if the script is generated or altered in response to user input .


  22. So if you want to go on the road to integration you have to be extremely careful that you have measures that can manage the downside of integration .


  23. If you 're upgrading an application that many users rely on ( like the Apache on your busy Web server ), then it pays to be extremely careful .


  24. No matter which choice a student will finally make , he has to be extremely careful to look into his unique situation and consult the predecessors for their advice .


  25. After initiation therefore , a disciple should be extremely careful not to commit again any sinful act that might cause difficulty for himself and the spiritual master .


  26. The goods and material handling may say is an item trivial , is numerous and diverse but also must the extremely careful work , is cannot allow often to have the mistake .


  27. In the cooperation process , the Sino-Soviet non-aggression pact and the Soviet-Japanese neutrality Treaty and other problems have to be extremely careful .


  28. Further development of the technique might allow doctors to identify patients who have some level of awareness , he said , but we would have to be extremely careful about how we interpreted negative results .


  29. Remembering that western weapons once supplied the precursors to the Taliban in Afghanistan , the west should be extremely careful about who it backs and arms in Syria .


  30. But you have to be extremely careful to use this method in china , for in such a society of collectivism as china , if some people lose their jobs , the enterprise will probably fall into a panic .
